Thursday, April 2, 2009

The SPEED of Trust

"Once trust is developed, Malaysia will be the sum total of all races. We will not be moving as separate communities but as one Malaysia and we will be stronger. It will be a new Malaysia because we'll change our mindset because we trust and respect each other. I hope all will join me to bring Malaysia to greater heights." Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak
How trust affects the trajectory and outcome of our lives—both personally and professionally—and what we can do to change it.

Nothing is as Fast as the Speed of Trust
You Can Do Something About This!
THE FIRST WAVE—SELF-TRUST (The Principle of Credibility)
Beyond “ethics”: Why personal credibility is the foundation of all trust and how to create it?

The Key Factor in a Global Economy
As we move rapidly into an even more transparent interdependent global reality,trust is more career critical than it has ever been.